Printable Activities tied to the book
Friends Beyond Measure
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on the enlarged image. Do not sell or publish, or remove artist credit.
More activities on TeachersPayTeachers!
Teaching Guides & Lesson Plans by
the Round Rock Independent School District (K-2) and
the Early Math Project -- click each link to download for free! Participate in the first-ever
Mathical Readathon! Teachers can sign up, explore the Mathical Book list,
and get classroom printables designed by Lalena
and themed to Friends Beyond Measure on the
Mathical Readathon page!
And if you're interested in
an author visit at your school, here is more on author visits.
Draw a Venn diagram with a friend, make a timeline of your day, and follow
the instructions to make Fairy Tea! (3 pages)
Based on the picture book: the touching story of Ana and Harwin, told with
all kinds of fun charts! Friends Beyond Measure
explores feelings and friendship,
using colorful hand-drawn graphs, maps, diagrams and timelines.
Published by HarperKIDS.
More about Friends Beyond Measure in
Hidden Pictures
Coloring page from Pursuit of the Magic Piece
Find 12 different, nutritious vegetables hidden in the drawing of Kye with
his amazing Power Robot!
Based on the picture book: an adventure about a boy in search of the missing
Magic Piece for his robot. Kye learns about the "magic pieces" veggies can
supply to make his own body powerful, as well as the science of how they work.
Pursuit of the Magic Piece is published by, and available through,
Coloring pages for young children
Coloring pages for adults